C&S Keyholder Record
Thanks for helping us track who has what keys! Pull out your Workspace & Community Center keys and prepare to type the numbers on them.

Did you find our guest keys or another set of keys with a C&S logo on them? Please email support@codeandsupply.co ASAP and we'll provide the address to which you can mail them. You will be reimbursed for the postage!
About You or the person for whom you're filling this out
What is the member's name? *
What is the member's email? *
What is the member's phone number? *
Key numbers
Enter key numbers WITH the preceding letter and all zeroes. You answers will look like F005, R005, S005 but obviously your keys may differ in sequence and not match each other. If you don't have a particular key, you can leave the input blank or input NULL.  If you have a key and it's unmarked, input UNMARKED.
What is the front door key number?
This the (probably) silver, kinda rectangular key with a number code beginning with F. If you don't have one this key, simply leave this blank or input NULL. If you have this key and it's unmarked, input UNMARKED.
What is the rear door key number?
This the (probably) gold, diamond-shaped key with a number code beginning with R. If you don't have one, simply leave this blank or input NULL.  If you have this key and it's unmarked, input UNMARKED.
What is the small office door key number?
This is a (probably) silver or copper pentagonal key with crosshatching inside and bears a number code beginning with S. You only have to fill this in if you're renting the private office. Access and normal Resident members do not have this key. If you don't have one, simply leave this blank or input NULL. If you have this key and it's unmarked, input UNMARKED.
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